Whether you’re embarking on a full landscaping project or just looking to start your own home garden, the type of soil you use is of the utmost importance. There are many different soil types available, and not all of them will give you the results and healthy plants that you need. What about topsoil in Toronto? Toronto area residents can use topsoil, but the experts recommend mixing it with other soil types for better results.
What is garden topsoil in Toronto? At Essential Garden Supplies, we offer shredded topsoil. Basically, this is high-quality topsoil that has gone through a shredding process. Shredding creates a uniform texture and even mixture, so that it’s easy to handle with either a shovel or a rake. The shredding process also removes unwanted items like rocks and twigs from the soil mixture.
Is topsoil in Toronto ideal for direct planting? At Essential Garden Supplies, we don’t recommend using plain garden topsoil for direct planting. That’s because while topsoil does contain important nutrients, you need to do more to ensure healthy growth in plants (both flowers and vegetables). To that end, we offer several other soil types that include topsoil as part of the mixture.
For instance, our triple mix is an outstanding product that combines rich peat moss, compost and sand. It can be added to your garden topsoil easily and mixed to create an ideal growing medium. Our planting soil is a preexisting mixture of triple mix and shredded topsoil, and gives you the results you want without the work of mixing the soil types together.
Contact Essential Garden Supplies today for a full, free consultation on your needs and expert recommendations. Call us at 416-853-3000 today.